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Monday, June 7, 2010

The Sims 3

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The family problems going into the third round of The Sims pull back in and the neighborhood will open. Where there was an addon needs of the Sims are already in the main program has become mobile. The most impressive new feature is that the Sims now its time not only at home or spend unattended at work, but them the world ... the neighborhood is your oyster. Be it a trip to the beach or a short shopping trip, a visit to the cinema or a picnic in the park
No load time separates the public meeting of your own home. Accessible by either car or walking the Sims every point in their little town and there are certainly many ways how to kill time after work. A visit to the stadium - a concert or football game ever guest appearance in the village - or training courses or even a fishing trip. While the work may be seen the Sims still is not.
But the life of a Sim usually begins with the creation. The Sims-generator, the virtual humans can shape according to personal taste. With sliders, every detail can define exactly in the face of Sims. The size of the eyes or nose holes (!). The girth of the Sims is now the creative urge of the player delivered. In addition to all the physical characteristics can also define mental. However, instead of a sign to him and his underlying character settings (introverted or extroverted, the Sim? To choose), as in the Sims parts before, are the new Sim assigned character traits. Such a Sim can in his six character traits as "evil" or "Good", "Clumsy" or "green thumb" or "genius" and many others include. 

Clothes make the man
After the set the look, the outfit will still be the Sims is elected. The player can choose from several different hairstyles, and then put together outfits for any occasion. A casual jeans combined with a modern T-shirt for everyday life, a black tuxedo with white fly for upscale events, a neon green swimsuit ... For each of the categories of "everyday clothes", "evening dress", "Sleepwear", "sport clothes" and "bathing suit" can be put together from several different garments one outfit. The colors and fabrics of the garment can be freely adapted by the player.
In order to Simoleons, the currency in the neighborhood who wants to come Once a job has to be found. Either in the newspaper or on the - at the start rather sporadically available - Computer Jobs can be searched. Or you can simply wander away without hesitation, into the new city and looking directly at the various job providers - from City Hall about the police station to music theater over -. 

There are many careers to choose from, the better one, paid the other worse. Medical careers, science careers, police career, army career, business career, career in journalism, politics, career, sports, career and music career invite you to rake in money. Entered but the bottom about a sewer cleaner. With good humor and in accordance with trained skills, the Sims are getting better in their job and brings them in the course of their career with hard work up to 10 transport stages one so that is ultimately become of the sewer cleaner, an astronaut from the dishwasher a millionaire.
The skills necessary to be well trained. An athlete is pumping around his muscles in the Muckibude "28 hour fitness center and drives the athletic ability in the air. A scientist on the other hand enjoys a round of chess - against the computer, another Sim, or the air - or plowing around in the garden. Skills can be driven also by everyday acts of the Sims, swelling around by swimming in the pool or a conversation with other Sims to be the charisma. Unlike its predecessors, the new Sims-part show, however, the ability to until they are learned. They must be many different talents being discovered. 

Some skills can be trained but also during working hours. So the journalist carries about in the letter. Exercising at work is one of the various modes like the Sims can do their work. Thus, the Sim about working hard, making him understandably little fun, or take it easy. It can also einschleimen with his boss, but this should result in a slight appreciation of colleagues with him, or talk with those very familiar with or learn. Interested in the sim, but nothing of it, he just works in a normal pace.
In addition to the actual, stressful life of a Sim then you also have certain challenges. For example, a boss about the claim that this or that book should be read. Who fulfills the wishes of the boss reaps for its laurels and must look forward will probably soon for promotions. But even friends or acquaintances to give the Sims tasks. So want certain skills challenges are completed. A good chef will bake for the neighbor a plate of biscuits. That's a small cash bonus.
With the money earned, the player buys furniture for his charges, which can rotate in the new part now to 45 degrees, thus giving the space more "real. The furniture can be selected from many different categories - one for each room. The materials can be like the clothes you like, customize personal tastes. Or you can buy the Sims a new home or land. By moving option on the phone to find new places to live. A vacant lot will of course be built on. The clear building mode is like buying mode and therefore presents the objects as small images of the whole house. This allows walls pull up quickly and easily apply colors.
Where the basic conditions - a roof over their head, met an income - can not only use the days off to hang out alone. In the Community institutions, there are all sorts of young Sims, in their search for love or a romantic adventure or just a new friend. One click is enough to start a conversation. Aufploppende balloons offer different ways to respond to a Sim. The characteristics of the interlocutors provide additional opportunities and are important indicators of a conversation in the right direction to steer.
A charis mater Sim welcomed about talking to different, specific species, while a coquettish Sim especially seductive spells of stock. In addition, a conversation takes the opposite is more interested in the advantages or he deliberately takes a sore point and squandered it with a Sim even more. So friendly be closed, best friends find themselves, an arch-enemy arises and a romance could be the great love, but friends are not from one day to the other. The relations of the Sims be divided into several parts. For a fleeting acquaintance, the sims only acquaintances, but they can become good friends and eventually become friends, bishin best friends. Romances on the other hand increase from the romantic interest on a fixed relation to the engagement / wedding. The life cycle of the Sims is followed by the establishment of a relationship, the establishment of a family. The normal Sim is the "most beautiful recreational activity in the world" in bed, if both partners are "relax" after, the rich Sim has more options and can lay the groundwork for a baby in the jacuzzi. A few short moments later to mature a little melody to announce the following gestation period. After a few cravings and nausea attacks the belly of the Simfrau bulge noticeably. During pregnancy, mother and child does well to read a book on Upcoming, or consult a doctor in the hospital.
The birth, the stadtfindet again three days later Sim can happen either in hospital or at home are being selected in the hospital for a happy pregnancy new personality characteristics of the child. New Sims 3: Happy Sims can also have twins or even triplets. Then begins the grueling episode, both Sims and for the players because the kids want to be cared for and loved. Thus, the offspring will develop well their basic needs are met and their wishes are fulfilled so that after the stages of life baby, where do speak, walk and potty are learned, child, where the school starts and teenagers, where the grade pressure continues, finally, in adult life . get
À propos wishes and needs. Everyone cherishes Sim needs that he must meet every day to feel good. Eat, sleep go to the toilet, social contact, breast-feeding the need for hygiene and some more to feel at the Sims. Lands one of the needs in the cellar, the very special assistance for the use, then visit a lonely Kuschelhase the Sim who loves everyone. To except the ledge of love, wealth and the care of the needs to have to bring a beautiful life and wishes are fulfilled, which change constantly. So will Sim about working in the garden and had a daughter and the next day, his favorite food to eat. For the fulfillment of these needs, there are points that can be invested in special sections that support the Sims or change their life. The "Midlife Crisis" is all about personality characteristics change of the Sims. The "ultimate" goal in life is the desire to meet particularly difficult, it brings a huge amount of points one and emphasizes the satisfaction of the Sims on the highest level.
Through the life of the Sims to control how they talk, at least similar. A click on the desired object and then exploding contents moves, as balloons. Similarly, the Sims will be sent by clicking on the ground by their own premises or the neighborhood. An object usually has several options, like the bed, where Sims can relax, sleep, or make only a nap. The life of the Sims can be divided into three different speeds uncoil, the river at will in the game can be changed, like the Sims-life in the options menu. 

The Sims 3 has graphics of glory, therefore, to the ledge right if slightly exaggerated human features gives proportions. A bulbous nose is not unusual. The textures of the garments are clear, as is the case and the plastic representation of the hair. Zoom Out On further lose but the details of the neighborhood. Only after a reload the environment is sharp again. The sound, however, is attention to detail. The voices of the Sims can be adapted and speak their own language. Also in the radio music is heard in "Simlisch" where can import your own music into the game. All in all, the Sims 3, despite minor flaws and hardware equipment at a very good standard


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